Overall NDC Equity Score
Emissions Reductions
The NDC makes a strong effort to create ambitious emissions reduction goals, but still lacks impactful policy to reduce emissions.
Gender Justice
The NDC makes a strong effort to achieve gender mainstreaming, but lacks data that addresses the gender gap and representation of the LGBT+ community.
Youth Inclusion
The NDC implementation will lead to major improvements in intergenerational justice.
With a score of “NDC We Want” in the World Wildlife Fund’s NDC Assessment checklist, the Dominican Republic’s (DR) 2020 NDC Update showcases significant progress over its predecessor. As Central America and the Caribbean’s second largest economy and 8th most climate vulnerable country per the Global Climate Risk Index, it must lead by example. The DR increased its emissions reduction goal, from 25% to 27% by 2030 with an additional 20% increase conditional on international support, and completed its update following a national campaign that brought together a wide range of viewpoints following countrywide climate vulnerability assessments.
On youth inclusion, in its updated NDC, the country devotes an entire section to youth and guides readers through the country’s legal frameworks supporting the strategic role of young people. The NDC mentions the 2010-2030 National Development Strategy and 2020-2030 National Youth Plan, which dictate youth’s participation at the highest level through the National Youth Council. The NDC lays out five specific youth goals, including ensuring youth participation in climate decision-making, developing a youth network on climate change, and providing climate education.
On gender mainstreaming, in the updated NDC, the country makes significant strides by deeming gender equity, youth and human rights cross-cutting elements of the country’s climate change sphere. One of the main implementation roadmaps for the NDC’s gender equity goals is the Gender and Climate Change Action Plan for the Dominican Republic (PAGCC-RD). Recognising the role of women as agents of change and encouraging their participation is a step in the right direction.
On Loss and Damage, the country has strengthened its efforts. It expects to improve disaster vulnerability analyses through the National Emergency Commission’s Integrated Information System. The NDC will strengthen capacities to manage slow onset events (i.e droughts). Overall, the DR’s NDC followed an inclusive process that could serve as a model for other countries, especially in the Latin America and Caribbean Region.
- Outlines nearly 50 climate mitigation actions across all priority sectors.
- Aligns the NDC with national laws and planning tools for implementation.
- Emphasized the significant contributions of the National Youth Council and National Youth 2020-2030 Plan.
- Recognizes the value of young people as "strategic actors" in achieving climate goals.
- One of the first countries to incorporate gender-responsiveness and recognize the role of women the role of women as agents of change for a low-emission development society.
- Strengthen capacity-building efforts for local communities to engage in climate solutions.
- Though an ambitious 45% forest coverage goal, as a biodiversity hot spot, the DR should strengthen this goal.
- Incorporate gender disaggregated data on the reality of women's roles in the green jobs sector.
Key Recommendations
This analysis showcased an incredible example of intergenerational and gender justice components within NDCs. From honoring young people and women as agents of change to recognizing their unique vulnerabilities, the DR’s NDC goes above and beyond to center these vulnerable groups in an equitable manner. Considering that the DR is the fourth most unequal country in Latin America and the Caribbean for gender equality, there is clearly still work to be done on achieving gender justice.
The NDC would benefit from enhancing opportunities for sustained engagement and community-wide capacity building for women and young people to take on official leadership roles in the green jobs sector. The following are key recommendations for the improvement of future NDCs and other national climate plans:
For Gender Justice
- Support the National Statistics Office (ONE) in conducting gender-disaggregated research in the sciences and engineering sectors, as well as other key areas involved in deploying mitigation and adaptation-oriented climate solutions.
- Ensure the education, awareness and capacity of women as leaders on implementing climate solutions.
- Include stronger metrics for implementing the country's Gender and Climate Action Plan.
For Youth Inclusion
- Encourage the continuity of creating spaces where vulnerable communities can take meaningful climate action, such as through enhancing the Operation COP Program that brings young people to COP.
- Develop and implement a National Network of Youth and Climate Change, which will allow the integration of the youth perspective within national climate instruments.
- Ensure the education, awareness and capacity of young people to sustain lifestyles in harmony with nature.
- Equip teachers in the country’s most vulnerable learning institutions with the tools to teach climate change in their classrooms.