Overall NDC Equity Score
Critically Deficient
Emissions Reductions
Critically Deficient
With high carbon emissions per GDP, the NDC is considered unambitious with a notable lack in implementation planning efforts.
Gender Justice
Critically Deficient
Despite having a Gender Affairs Division, the NDC has significant gaps in addressing gender mainstreaming.
Youth Inclusion
Critically Deficient
The NDC has significant gaps in addressing youth inclusion.
As the most industrialised nation in the Caribbean, this analysis finds that Trinidad and Tobago must increase its efforts on emissions reductions, inclusivity, and adaptation to set an example for neighboring countries. Trinidad and Tobago’s economy is heavily reliant on oil and gas and is ranked in the top five countries for carbon emissions by GDP; however, their emissions reductions goals stand at just 15% by 2030 from business-as-usual (BAU) identified at 2013 levels across the power generation, transportation, and industry sectors. Though Trinidad and Tobago ranks much lower in absolute carbon emissions as a Small Island Developing State, they have an opportunity to showcase how islands can be leaders on tackling the climate crisis by raising its ambition.
Though considered a more developed country due to higher literacy and GDP rates, issues surrounding criminal activity, corruption, and poor legislative implementation and enforcement have led to violence against women and poor protection of vulnerable groups, indicating a lack of values that supports positive action to strengthen social and environmental sectors of society. On gender justice, a 2019 analysis with support from the NDC Programme found that a gender-responsive lens was not used in designing, implementing, or taking into any consideration at all in the NDC. Though a Gender Affairs Division exists, gender mainstreaming in the design and budgeting processes, inclusion of non-governmental organizations that represent women and girls in the climate change space, and mechanisms for monitoring the impact of climate change on women and girls were not included in the NDC development process. Considering that financial support for the division is largely non-existent, it’s clear the government was not set-up to prioritize gender justice.
On youth inclusion, there are zero references to intergenerational justice, inclusion of young people in the design or implementation processes, or proposals on how to integrate youth perspectives and leadership in implementing climate solutions. Although there was zero participation of civil society or any other groups in the preparation of the first NDC between 2016 and 2018, since then, there have been some efforts by the government to create multi-level committees to bring inclusion and representation.
- One of the first parties to submit an NDC.
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- Has not provided an updated NDC as called for at COP26.
- The NDC fails to mention youth and women as vulnerable populations or their potential to contribute to climate solutions.
- Fails to acknowledge the need to shift completely away from a fossil-fuel based economy.
- Lacks an inclusive, ambitious implementation plan.
Key Recommendations
This analysis found that there is no emphasis on the importance of youth or gender. Existing systemic barriers, including lack of education on gender and intergenerational justice, environmental racism, and violence against women/LGBTQ+ communities are key contributors to the NDC that lacks a justice lens on all fronts. The following are key recommendations for the improvement of future NDCs and other national climate plans:
For Gender Justice
- Appoint a Gender Action Plan Focal Point.
- Integrate gender as a consideration throughout the next NDC.
- Engage academic institutions in collecting data on gender and climate change within the country.
- Provide training to policy-makers on the importance of gender justice.
For Youth Inclusion
- Enhance education of climate change within the school systems to prepare young people for contributing to climate policy dialogues.
- Provide training to policy-makers on the importance of youth inclusion.
- Conduct youth-inclusive consultations for the next NDC.