Advocacy Guide & Tools

How to influence the development and implementation of the national climate commitments, the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

How to Review Your Country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)

  1. Visit the UNFCCC NDC interim registry. The registry contains every submitted NDC, including at least one for nearly every country* and the European Union.

  2. Read and analyze the NDC. Some key guiding questions include:

    • What is the emissions reduction commitment and timeline?

    • Does the NDC have concrete plans for climate change mitigation, adaptation, and loss and damage, as appropriate for the country’s circumstances (income, effects of climate change, etc.)?

    • Does the NDC address key climate justice and equity areas, including but not limited to: food systems, a Just Transition for working people, human rights, health, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, migrants, people with disabilities, gender equality, and intergenerational equity?

    • Is there any explicit mention of how civil society is included in NDC development and implementation?

  3. Research existing reports on the country’s progress on emission reductions and climate justice and equity. Are the commitments in the NDC strong enough, and being effectively implemented? Helpful resources for assessment may include:

*Currently, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Kosovo, and the Holy See do not have an NDC. Non-UN members or observers, such as North Korea, also do not participate.

How to Advocate for Stronger Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)

  1. Share Your Knowledge. Host events in your community to share resources on your country’s NDC. Consider contributing research or tools you find helpful to the NDC Equity Tracker (contact at

  2. Connect With Other Advocates. Find out what work is already being done in your country on NDC advocacy, or build a working group of other interested individuals. Networks with members and organizations known to be working on the NDCs include:

    1. Care About Climate (international, especially present in the countries listed as part of this project).

    2. Climate Action Network International

    3. YOUNGO

    4. US Climate Action Network

    5. PowerShift Network

  3. Raise Your Voice. Take action for more just NDC development and implementation, as appropriate to your local circumstances. This may include direct action, such as protest or art installations, earned media (such as op-eds in local newspapers), and meeting with your local or national government officials. You may also be able to contact the lead negotiator for your country at the UN climate negotiations here. For more information on how to advocate at or during the annual UN climate negotiations, COP, reach out to us at